Cancun Annual Weather Average.

Cancun Annual Weather Average.

The Mexican city of Cancun located on the Yucatan Peninsula, has a humid  tropical climate. The average temperature in Cancun is between 75°F and 77°F. Although the high humidity can make the sensation to be warmer. During the summers the maximum can reach 95°F without any problem, while the minimums do not usually drop from 62°F in January.

Cancun Annual Weather Average

It is characteristic of the climate of Cancun its high level of precipitations. Being a tropical climate differs from a dry season and a rainy season that is the one that concentrates 75% of the annual rains approximately. Although they are usually unforeseen rainstorms that leave a lot of rain in a short period of time and the sun comes out again. The typical behavior of these rainfalls are typical of this tropical climate.


The climate in Cancun has two seasons. The Dry Season (from December to April) and the Rainy Season (from May to October).

Rainy Season.

The average temperature during these months is around 82°F. During the day the maximum can reach values of 95°F. And at night usually stays at 71°F. August is the warmest month of the year. October is the wettest month of the year, and during this season the probability of encountering hurricanes and tropical storms is high.


The weather in Cancun is quite strange and unpredictable. It is common that at the same time, it is raining hard in the center of the city while, a few kilometers, is making a radiant sun. A fact quite common in coastal cities of tropical influence.

Dry Season

The climate in Cancun during the dry season is softer and cooler. The average temperature is around 75°F. The maximums can touch 86°F while the minimum oscillate between 64°F to 68°F. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of 71°F.




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